[3.5-hour sessions, including two 15-minute breaks; scheduled hours will be adjusted to fit participants' time zones]
* Building a Front-End Interface to Document Collections (1 session: March 31) * Interactive 3D Models in PDFs with Acrobat 3D/Pro Extended (2 sessions: March 24, 26) * Testing PDFs (1 session: March 20) * FrameMaker-to-PDF Advanced Techniques (5 sessions: March 9, 11, 16, 18, 20)
Visit http://www.microtype.com/Training.html for more information, participants' feedback & registration forms.
Shlomo Perets
MicroType, http://www.microtype.com Training, consulting & add-ons: FrameMaker, Structured FM and Acrobat
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Feb 06
bengt Re: ANN: Acrobat Web-Based Courses
Feb 06, 2009; 03:03
Re: ANN: Acrobat Web-Based Courses
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