* Better PDFs with FrameMaker-to-Acrobat TimeSavers Webinar Thursday, June 25 Demonstration/discussion of different techniques for improving and enriching PDFs authored in FrameMaker, and how to achieve these goals automatically & consistently using TimeSavers general settings and/or TimeSavers hypertext markers placed in individual FrameMaker files. Register at https://student.gototraining.com/register/2548117978369721874
* Effective PDF Bookmarks with FrameMaker-to-Acrobat TimeSavers Webinar Tuesday, July 21 How to Improve bookmark hierarchy and visibility of FrameMaker-generated bookmarks, and how to easily add useful bookmarks through hypertext markers (with FrameMaker-to-Acrobat TimeSavers) -- pointing to other PDFs or web pages, instantly providing e-mail feedback, launching external files, starting Acrobat/Reader actions (eg common search phrases) and much more. https://student.gototraining.com/register/1035786782006430995
* Enhancing PDFs with Form Fields (with FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers + Form Asst) Webinar Tuesday, August 18 PDF form fields are typically associated with forms as a data collection tool (eg purchase orders or registration forms). However, form fields can serve as an underlying mechanism for other interactive features. Form Assistant (FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers add-on) enables you to include the definitions of PDF fields in FrameMaker through hypertext markers, so that they are automatically present in the PDF file: text fields, check boxes, buttons, lists and digital signatures, with complete control over field properties. https://student.gototraining.com/register/3420308416844530916
Shlomo Perets
MicroType * http://www.microtype.com FrameMaker/Acrobat training & consulting * FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers/Assistants
"32 Ways to Improve Your PDFs with TimeSavers/Assistants" http://www.microtype.com/ImprovePDF.html
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