On January 1st, 2008 we will no longer accept email at the blueworld.com and omnipilot.com domain names. All email to LassoSoft should now be sent to the lassosoft.com domain name. Please take a moment to update your address book.
The LassoSoft mailing lists are served from the lists.lassosoft.com domain name. If you are still sending mail to lists.blueworld.com or lists.omnipilot.com, please update your address book to lists.lassosoft.com.
Please address any questions about this change to postmaster@lassosoft.com.
-- This list is a free service of LassoSoft: http://www.LassoSoft.com/ Search the list archives: http://www.ListSearch.com/Acrobat/Browse/ Manage your subscription: http://www.ListSearch.com/Acrobat/
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