Michael Automating single-page PDF creation from multi-page Quark documents
Apr 20, 2007; 18:18
Automating single-page PDF creation from multi-page Quark documents
Not to go on about it but you could always ask someone with a Heidelberg RIP to bust the file apart for you. The new Meta RIP could do it in seconds. Many PrePress folks would just do it for you, if you ask.
----- On Apr 20, 2007, at 2:03 AM, Acrobat Talk wrote:
> > Thanks to all who provided a variety of options for outputting single > page PDFs from a multi-page Quark doc. Thankfully, I'm not on > deadline, so there is ample time to review the various plug-ins, > workarounds and, yes, the complete switch to ID, before the next pub.
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