I create a newsletter for a local association. I use InDesign and save as PDF for distribution via a link on their website. I am not at all familiar with web viewing of PDFs versus downloading a PDF and viewing on the user's system with the Reader.
Can I control what the user's initial view is by the properties I set in the document or do they control it through browser settings? I have set the document properties to open as "fit page" and with the bookmarks panel showing. This works if the PDF is opened using the Reader but I wondered if a user opens it in their browser whether or not they will see the full page and bookmarks or not?
I have embedded or subset all fonts yet when one user opens the newsletter in a browser they are getting font errors such as "Cannot find or create the font 'EOKPMV+AGaramondPro-Regular'. Some characters may not display of print correctly." When I open it on one of my systems I get no errors. Another one gives me font errors also. These are all IE 8 browsers on a PC. What do I have to do to ensure it looks the same in everyone's system and browser? I recommend they download and open with Reader but I can't depend on that.
I'm on the digest so please copy me directly.
Regards, Glenn
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