Is there a easy way to move form fields when working with around 400 fields its more excel looking than anything. Should I separate the 8 pages to individuals and the merge after. What I cant seem to get over is the long list of field names when moving one at a time what seems half mile up the screen.
Thanks for your time
Steve Scarpitta
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May 25
Max Wyss Re: Move form field tabbing order
May 25, 2010; 03:17
Max Wyss
Re: Move form field tabbing order
May 25
Steve Scarpitta Re: Move form field tabbing order
May 25, 2010; 03:36
Steve Scarpitta
Re: Move form field tabbing order
May 25
Steve Scarpitta Re: Move form field tabbing order
May 25, 2010; 03:39
Steve Scarpitta
Re: Move form field tabbing order
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