At 5/9/00 12:41 PM, John wrote: > >Within the next three to four weeks, Adobe will be updating ATM > >to version 4.1.1 > >Will this be an ATM 4.1.1 just for Windows 9x? Or will there be an update >for my ATM 4.0 Deluxe for NT at the same time? And what about the fabled >ATM for Windows 2000? I have put off upgrading to 2000, waiting for some of >the missing pieces to fall into place. I know ATM 4.0 for NT is supposed to >work OK under Windows 2000, but Adobe is silent about supporting it. Would >rather wait until things are a bit clearer. (I need to use Multiple Master >fonts, so Windows 2000's native support won't be adequate.) > >And hey, while I'm on the subject, when are we going to see some real >OpenType fonts? I mean real ones, where InDesign can do all the automatic >substitutions. Yeah, yeah, I know the standard answer. I just had to ask >anyway. :)
For Windows, ATM 4.1.1 will be a single program for Windows'9x, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000.
Under Windows'9x and NT 4, it provides Type 1 and OpenType font rasterization services and for the "deluxe" version, font management services as well.
Under Windows 2000, it provides support for Multiple Master instances and for the "deluxe" version, font management services as well. (Under Windows 2000, Type 1 and TrueType font rasterization services are built into the operating system.
OK, you dared me ...
With regards to "real" OpenType fonts, four "real" OpenType fonts shipped with InDesign 1.0 and 1.5 ... four faces of Tekton Pro OpenType. With InDesign and these typefaces, you get automatic access to all ligatures, REAL small caps, and old style figures (what else were you looking for?!?).
Additional OpenType fonts will be shipping in about the same timeframe as availability of ATM 4.1.1 for Windows and ATM 4.6 for Macintosh. And these fonts are really fantastic (and I am not a person who normally serves as a cheering squad), especially with InDesign. And more of these families will ship throughout the year.
Note that Windows 2000 shipped with some OpenType fonts, including four faces of Palatino Linotype. These faces work quite well with InDesign; the ligature, small cap, and old style figure features all work beautifully.
- Dov
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