Jay Smith Re: ANSWERS & QUESTIONS Font mangling (FrameMaker -> PDF)
Oct 26, 1999; 14:01
Jay Smith
Re: ANSWERS & QUESTIONS Font mangling (FrameMaker -> PDF)
(Copied to all interested parties and groups. Original question was posted on both Framers groups and the Acrobat group.)
Arnis & Jason,
Thanks for the assist. The comments offered by the two of you got me thinking about my original suspicion of many months ago, but which feeling I stupidly ignored.
GUESS WHAT?! Win95 Postscript Fonts & Acrobat (at least on my Win95b, Acrobat Exchange 3.01, Distiller 3.01, Adobe Postscript driver 4.10) does not completely or always support PS font FILE names longer than 8.3 characters.
If I had delved into Postscript font docs, I would have known this. But I didn't.
I am not referring to the FONT NAME, but to the font FILE NAME. (In all cases where I use *.pfb, the same applies to *.pfm, etc., etc.)
It turns out that if the same identical font FILE is called:
Distiller/Acrobat thinks that it is a PS Type 3 (bitmap) font that looks really terrible on-screen in Acrobat.
However, if the same identical file is called:
Distiller/Acrobat thinks that it is a PS Type 1 (vector?) font that looks pretty good on-screen in Acrobat. (I have to admit, however, that Palatino is not the best choice for on-screen viewing).
So that is solved.
1) What are the PS "rules" for
a) File names: Of the 8.3 characters "allowed", the first five characters (of 8) are for ________? ?? Family? and the next three characters (of 8) are for _______? ?? Style?
2) I see that UNDERSCORES in the actual FONT NAME are converted to periods (".") by the time a PDF file has been created. Does this mean that underscores are not allowed? Should they be avoided in font names (font names, not file names)?
3) What recommendations to the experts offer to define font *FILE* names that do the following:
a) clearly identify the family b) identify the style c) identify the purpose of this version of the font (i.e. special font for the Smith project) d) identify the version number of the font within that "project"
What I did that does not work (because it is not 8.3)
= Palatino + made by jsa + rates project + version 1 + bold
4) Does Distiller 3.02 fix this problem?
5) Can Distiller 3.02 be co-resident with Adobe Driver (When I tried to install 4.20 a long time ago, nothing would work, thus I had to drop back to 4.10 and it is doing the job for me for the moment.)
-- Jay Smith
e-mail: Jay@JaySmith.com
Jay Smith & Associates P.O. Box 650 Snow Camp, NC 27349 USA
Phone: Int+US+336-376-9991 Toll-Free Phone in US & Canada: 1-800-447-8267 Fax: Int+US+336-376-6750
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