I will be away from the office from 7/1 through 7/12, returning 7/15. As always, please see Anh Tran for supplier issues, Jim Jackson for engineering change issues, Jack Poon for in-process quality or field return issues, Melissa Robinson for internal audit, and Al Hall for corrective action or training administration.
>>> acrobat 06/28/02 20:00 >>>
Acrobat Talk Digest - Friday, June 28, 2002
Adobe Systems Incorporated - Closed for Week of July 1, 2002 by "Dov Isaacs" <isaacs@adobe.com>
Subject: Adobe Systems Incorporated - Closed for Week of July 1, 2002 From: "Dov Isaacs" <isaacs@adobe.com> Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 17:25:38 -0700
Adobe will observe a one-week Company shutdown July 1-5, 2002. All North American offices will be closed during this time. Offices will re-open on Monday, July 8, 2002.
As such, I and other Adobe employees who monitor and participate in this list and others will not be providing nearly as much of an on-line presence as usual. In addition, some of us will be extending this "break" with vacation time. In particular, I will be semi-offline until July 23. (Please be patient; it may take me a bit to subsequently catch up with my email!)
- Dov
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Jun 28
Graeme Paton Re: Acrobat Talk Digest - 06/28/02
Jun 28, 2002; 20:24
Graeme Paton
Re: Acrobat Talk Digest - 06/28/02
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