> From: Duarte Juan AD US <juan.duarte@cibasc.com> > Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 21:15:08 +0200 > > I create screen view only PDF files from QuarkXpress (Mac) using Acrobat 4.0 > on a regular basis but I seem to have a problem with both Illustrator and > PhotoShop files that have been placed in a clear picture box over a field of > color in Quark. The images view and print correctly in Quark but after the > PDF is distilled the Acrobat file has the picture box as if it had a fill of > white instead of being clear. Clipping paths don't seem to help at all and > the different options of Runaround in Quark don't do much for it either. > Aside from the Acrobat document, the files print and view perfectly fine. Am > I missing some Acrobat set-up preference that would eliminate this problem?
Two questions:
Are you sure the graphics are linked? (They should be if the Quark file prints correctly, however, it never hurts to double-check.)
Are you using the PDFWriter, or creating a PostScript file and using Distiller (or, if using Quark 4.1, using the PDF XTension)?
David Creamer Publishing Consultant & Trainer I.D.E.A.S. www.ideastraining.com Authorized Quark Trainer (Since 1988) Authorized Adobe Trainer For Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, PageMaker, and Acrobat Apple Solutions Expert (Since 1990)
Now serving the Albuquerque and Santa Fe area (505) 453-7982
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