TSassoon Re: re: EPS logo displaying properly in PDF
Nov 02, 1999; 13:29
Re: re: EPS logo displaying properly in PDF
In a message dated 11/2/99 1:20:47 PM, bstudstr@ix.netcom.com writes:
<<A quick thanks to Dov and Helge for their responses to my question. Yes, they were both correct: if I do NOT convert the type to outlines in Illustrator, then drop it into Quark and make a PDF, the logo is crisp. Very slick!>>
But you shouldn't have to! The solution is pretty easy with type-based logos with unadulterated letterforms, but what about EPS illustrations? They look like dogfood on screen, and the only solution is to rasterize them.
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Nov 02
Brad Studstrup re: EPS logo displaying properly in PDF
Nov 02, 1999; 13:10
Brad Studstrup
re: EPS logo displaying properly in PDF
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