What I was referring to are buttons created in Acrobat Exchange. I create interactive CD-ROM's entirely in the Acrobat Environment (If your interested, try to get a copy of COMDEX - Las Vegas or COMDEX - Chicago on CD, I created them both in the Acrobat Environment). When you create a button using the form tool, you have the option of displaying an icon. With the push highlight, you have the option to have a second icon to represent the push. If you do not select a background color, then your icons will have a transparent background. This is where the white sweep comes in. When you Click on the icon, a sweep of white occurs between the initial icon and the highlighted icon, So instead of getting a nice icon that lights up when you click or rollover it, it flashes white before the highlight. This is an undesirable and sloppy effect.
Just to repeat my question... Does anybody now how to get rid or avoid the white sweep that occurs?
John A. Hill Senior Producer Content Management Corporation zane@interlog.com 416-748-1055
"You know, Hobbes, sometimes even my lucky rocketship underpants don't help."
- Calvin ----- Original Message ----- From: Richard Lynch <richard@pledgemaker.com> To: <zane@interlog.com> Sent: April 30, 1999 8:55 a.m. Subject: roll-over lines
> Dear Mr. Hill, > > you write: > > <<Is there anyone who may have insight into how to get rid of that white > sweep > that occurs in a button rollover? >> > > What are these being created in? I take it you put them over a colored > background? > > I have noted a similar thing in creating roll-overs with Fireworks. this can > be a misallocated link, OR (and more likely)a spacer that is colored > incorrectly. I have taken to creating my own spacers to solve the problem. > Usually rollover sets are re-assembled in borderless tables. To assure that > they form correctly, the outter border (1 pixel or 1/72nd of an inch) is > secured in size by a spacer. If this spacer is not the same color as the > background, there will be a discrepancy. Instead of worrying, I use plain > backgrounds and create spacers with the background color in a small swatch > gif (1x1) Using height and width, these control the table sizing, and do not > interfere with the background. > > If I answered the wrong question, sorry. Good luck! > > Richard > author, Adobe Photoshop 5 How-To >
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