=====================================================================1. Acrobat Talk Stats: April, 2009 =================================================================== Note: Up/Down % as compared with March, 2009
Top 1 Contributors by Number of Posts ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LassoSoft ListSearch.com 1
Top 1 Threads by Number of Posts ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Stats] Acrobat Talk: March 2009 1
=====================================================================2. Acrobat Talk Searchable Archives =================================================================== ListSearch.com is a robust email list archiving and search service provided FREE to the development community by LassoSoft, LLC, creators of Lasso Professional Server, the easy way to connect any database to any Web site on any platform.
Searchable archives for this list are available at: <http://www.listsearch.com/acrobattalk.lasso>
To manage your subscription to the list: <http://www.listsearch.com/acrobattalk.lasso?manage>
=====================================================================3. Acrobat Talk Acceptable Usage Policy =================================================================== List Monitor/Moderator This list is NOT moderated, and messages are NOT screened prior to posting.
List Topic While we encourage occasional discussion on matters peripheral but still related to the topic, we must remind folks that this discussion forum is exclusively about the topic. If you're not sure your post relates to the topic, inquire with the list monitor (listmaster@lassosoft.com) prior to posting.
Assume Responsibility Since all list subscribers have the power to post directly to the list, this can make for an environment of open and timely discussion as well as an environment where irrelevant and unconstructive comments may accrue. The list monitor(s) will make their best attempt to keep the discussion on track. All list members are requested to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner at all times. Please route disputes to private email.
Acceptable Posts Only PG rated discussion pertaining to the list topic is allowed.
Discipline Please respect the monitor(s) necessary role to end discussion threads when they're deemed inappropriate. Uncooperative members may have their posting privileges and/or subscription privileges removed.
Message Receipts Please don't send any message receipts or automatic replies to the list. Otherwise, your message receipts and automatic replies will go out to the whole list. We have configured the listserver to handle many such misposts, but there may be some that still make it to the list. Please assume some responsibility in this regard.
Limit of Liability The list owners, monitors/moderators, operators or sponsors are in no way responsible for any direct or indirect damage as a result from involvement with this list.
Usage Rights Participants who post to this list grant rights to the list owner to include their posts in a searchable archive and grant permission to use the posts as part of a complete list archive in other mediums. Participants may compile a personal archive of all posts made to this list, but are not permitted to distribute, publish or make available to others such archived information without the prior express written consent of LassoSoft, LLC and/or it's sponsors.
=====================================================================This is a free service of LassoSoft, LLC, the developers of Lasso Professional Server, the easy way to connect any database to any website on any platform.
-- This list is a free service of LassoSoft: http://www.LassoSoft.com/ Search the list archives: http://www.ListSearch.com/Acrobat/Browse/ Manage your subscription: http://www.ListSearch.com/Acrobat/
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